Checkout the below Microsoft Forms template to support with COVID-19 Vaccination Survey in your organisation. The survey will assist senior management make decisions regarding your offices and how you can best support staff and customers, particularly those who work in some higher risk industries such as Aged Care and Emergency Services and may require evidence of vaccine before allowed on site.

This form can create awareness among employees that they are working in safe place. Also, vaccine literacy influences others in acceptance of vaccine for themselves. The form helps in quick assessment of vaccine acceptance and/or hesitancy among the employees in your organisation. The findings obtained from the survey will provide the management an understanding about various drivers and barriers associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. The survey will assist to gauge current levels of willingness among your employees to get vaccinated.

Use this COVID-19 Vaccination form to assess the knowledge, attitude, practices, and concerns among people regarding the vaccine. This form will highlight various drivers and barriers related to vaccine acceptance in your organisation

COVID Vaccination Survey Form

Create a free COVID Vaccination Survey Form in minutes with our free Microsoft Forms template.

Access the COVID Vaccination Survey Form template here.

About Modern Work Group

Modern Work Group is started with the vision to deliver affordable Modern Workplace solution-based training and consulting services to Australian small and medium businesses using Microsoft 365 platform. We believe in improving employee productivity using Out of the Box features in Microsoft 365 and Power Platform.

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