In this article, I would like to show you how easy it is to create a Power App and use Sentiment Analysis, which is a readily available AI Builder prebuilt productivity model in Power Platform.

What is the Power App Sentiment Analysis prebuilt model?

Before learning how to use the Sentiment Analysis prebuilt model, let’s have a look at what is Sentiment Analysis.

As per Microsoft docs,

The sentiment analysis prebuilt model detects positive or negative sentiment in text data. You can use it to analyse social media, customer reviews, or any text data you're interested in. Sentiment analysis evaluates text input and gives scores and labels at a sentence and document level. The scores and labels can be positive, negative, or neutral. At the document level, there can also be a "mixed" sentiment label, which has no score. The sentiment of the document is determined by aggregating the sentence scores.

In short, the sentiment analysis prebuilt model detects positive or negative sentiment in text data. We can use it to analyse text data from social media, or customer reviews, or really any text data.

Model output

The sentiment analysis model outputs the following information when text is detected:


  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Neutral
  • Mixed


Scores are values in the range from 0 through 1. Values close to 1 indicate greater confidence that the identified sentiment is accurate.


List of sentences from the input text with analysis of its sentiment.

Each sentence itself has a sentiment and score associated with it which is like Document Sentiment and Document score.

What are we going to build?

We will build a simple one screen Power App where a user will be allowed to input data as sentences. The user will then click on a button and the Power App will display the sentiment analysis result of input data.

The following screen show shows the sentiment analysis of a single sentence β€œI like the Modern Work Blogs”.

Sentiment Analysis Power App Screen

Sample Sentiment Analysis Power App

Follow the instructions below to build and test this sample Power App in your own environment.

  1. Download the app and attached documentation from Modern Work Store for free.
  2. Import the attached Power App into your environment.
  3. Edit the Power App in the designer


In this article, we saw how to use Sentiment Analysis, which is a readily available AI Builder prebuilt productivity model in Power Platform.

While the possibilities are endless, I hope this article and attached sample Power App encouraged you to start exploring AI builder capabilities. This solution can be easily extended using Power Platform and other Office 365 services, and I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Hope you liked this article! Please share your valuable comments and feedback with me on LinkedIn.

Stay well and happy Power Apping...! πŸ‘πŸΌ